Welcome to our website!  This site is the home for our family photography business. Our contributors are Lauren Benson Unbehaun (right), Elizabeth Nicole Unbehaun (left), and Charles DeForest Unbehaun (center).  


One of the things we love about photography is perspective; It is amazing to see what happens when three people are given cameras and asked to shoot the same subject.  (If you hadn't guessed yet, this is how we came up with our name!)  Unfortunately, the three of us live in different states so the opportunities to shoot together are limited but that hasn't stopped us from sharing our love of photography with each other and with you!


We are just beginning and will continue to grow. This site will host images captured by all of us and will include both casual and professional photographs. We hope you will enjoy our images as we grow and expand our range!

Thank you,
Lauren, Elizabeth, and Charlie